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fall out是什么意思?

2023-07-14 07:40:19 编辑:join 浏览量:584

fall out是什么意思?

fall out 是名词词性,英英解释the adverse results of a situation or action. 不利的结果或影响。例句:"he's prepared to take calculated risks regardless of political fallout"他已准备好承担已知的风险,而不顾政治后果。Ed Miliband doesn't want to talk about the fall out from the Scottish referendum result as he arrives in Manchester, because it has put him in a tricky position.在Ed抵达曼彻斯特后表示不愿谈论苏格兰公投结果带来的不利影响,因为这已经让他陷入窘境。be devolved 是修饰前面两者,没错。大意是,三党各自对苏格兰权力进一步下放的报告表明“意见一致的各个领域以及共通的权力领域将会被下放”。


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