

2023-08-09 19:02:17 编辑:join 浏览量:561


歌曲名称 :The Show




I'm just a little bit

caught in the middle

Life is a maze

and love is a riddle

I don't know where to go

I can't do it alone

(I've tried)

and I don't know why

Slow it down

make it stop

or else my heart is going to pop

'cuz it's too much

Yeah it's a lot

to be something I'm not

I'm a fool

out of love

'cuz I just can't get enough

I'm just a little bit

caught in the middle

Life is a maze

and love is a riddle

I don't know where to go

I can't do it alone

(I've tried)

and I don't know why

I am just a little girl

lost in the moment

I'm so scared

but don't show it

I can't figure it out

it's bringing me down

I know

I've got to let it go

and just enjoy the show

The sun is hot

in the sky

just like a giant spotlight

The people follow the sign

and synchronize in time

It's a joke

Nobody knows

they've got a ticket to that show


I'm just a little bit

caught in the middle

Life is a maze

and love is a riddle

I don't know where to go

I can't do it alone

(I've tried)

and I don't know why

I am just a little girl

lost in the moment

I'm so scared

but don't show it

I can't figure it out

it's bringing me down

I know

I've got to let it go

and just enjoy the show

oh oh

Just enjoy the show

oh oh

I'm just a little bit

caught in the middle

life is a maze

and love is a riddle

I don't know where to go

I can't do it alone

(I've tried)

and I don't know why

I am just a little girl

lost in the moment

I'm so scared

but I don't show it

I can't figure it out

it's bringing me down

I know

I've got to let it go

and just enjoy the show

dum de dum

dudum de dum

Just enjoy the show

dum de dum

dudum de dum

Just enjoy the show

I want my money back

I want my money back

I want my money back

Just enjoy the show

I want my money back

I want my money back

I want my money back

Just enjoy the show


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