

2023-08-14 14:26:25 编辑:join 浏览量:589


没死,不过快了,主要是没水喝渴的。这是08年纽约的新闻,主角在周五晚上出去抽了跟烟,回39楼的办公室的时候突然关掉了。以下是我找到的新闻报道。 希望能够帮助你

it was longest cigarette break of Nicholas White's life.

The 34-year-old New York production manager was working late one Friday night in October when he went outside for a smoke.

He was returning to his office on the 39th floor when the elevator stopped abruptly between floors. White pressed the alarm, letting it ring and ring. But at 11 p.m. the building was deserted, and it would be nearly two days before White was rescued.

He paced around the elevator like a bug trapped in a box, fighting claustrophobia every minute of his 41-hour ordeal, which was captured on a video surveillance camera.

"After a certain amount of time I knew I was in big trouble," White told "Good Morning America" in an exclusive interview.

He had no watch, no cell phone, no food or water. His only sustenance was a pack of Rolaids.

"Rolaids aren't a very good meal," White said.

The the most difficult part of the ordeal, he said, was going 41 hours without water. At one point, White thought he might die of dehydration.

ABCNicholas White talked about his 41-hour ordeal trapped in an elevator today on "Good Morning America." A building video surveillance camera caught it all on tape.

He relieved himself by opening the elevator doors a bit and urinating down the elevator shaft.

"I hoped that might be a signal to people in fact: 'why is the elevator leaking?'"

A Cold Sweat

Cold yet sweating, White laid on the floor trying to stay calm. Then he got up and started pacing. At one point he pried open the elevator doors and screamed for help. The only response was silence.

"I had no idea if it was day or night," White said.

Herang the emergency bell, but he couldn't take the constant noise so he occasionally turned it off.

Split-screen video footage of the building showed other parts of the building, including three other elevators. The video showed maintenance workers occasionally fix


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