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chinese festivals什么意思

2023-11-04 17:28:23 编辑:join 浏览量:574

chinese festivals什么意思

Chinese festivals是中国的传统节日,有春节,元宵节,端午节,中秋节。春节是中国人一年中的第一个传统佳节。过去,春节被称为“新年”,因为按照中国历史上一直沿用的农历,这天是正月初一,销兆为新一年的开头。据记载,中国人民过春节已有4000多年的历史,它是由虞舜兴起的。公元前两千多年的一天,舜即天子位,带领着部下人员,祭拜天地。从此,人们就把这一天当作岁首,算是正月初一。据说这就是农历新年的由来,后来叫春节。1911年辛亥革命后,中国采用公历纪年,农历新年便改称“春节”(大约在公历1月下旬到2月中旬之间)。春节时,家家贴春联、贴年画、装饰居室。春节前一夜叫“除夕”,是家庭敏举团聚的重要时刻,全家人欢聚一起,吃一顿丰盛的“年夜饭”;许多人通宵不眠,称“守岁”。次日,大家便开始到亲朋好友家里“拜年”,相互问候,亏拿租祝愿在新的一年里万事如意。春节期间,传统的文娱活动以狮子舞、龙灯舞、划旱船、踩高跷最为普遍。The Spring Festival is a Chinese traditional festival of the year the first. In the past, the Spring Festival is called "happy New Year", because the Chinese history of the lunar calendar, have been used for the first month, for the day is the beginning of the New Year. According to records, the Chinese people, the Spring Festival has more than 4,000 years history, it is by the YuShun rise. BC over 2,000 years of day, shun namely venutian bits, led the subordinate personnel, worship heaven and earth. From then on, people take this day as the first month at even. It is said that the origin is the lunar New Year, later known as the Spring Festival. 1911 after the revolution of 1911, the Chinese lunar New Year reign, the Gregorian calendar was renamed as "Spring Festival" (in about the Gregorian calendar in late January to mid-february between). In Spring Festival, every Spring Festival couplet, stick the posters, decorate a bedroom. Before the Spring Festival eve overnight call ", "is a family important moment, the whole family together, a meal the abundance of eve";" Many a night's sleep, called "shou sui". The next day, people began to relatives and friends home "happy New Year", mutual greeting, I wish in the New Year filled with blessings. During the Spring Festival, the traditional cultural activities to ShiZiWu, LongDeng dance, delimit HanChuan, the most common stilt walker.农历正月十五为元宵节,又称上元节、元夜、灯节。这是春节后的第一个月圆之夜。相传,汉文帝(前179—前157年)为庆祝周勃于正月十五勘平诸吕之乱,每逢此夜,必出宫游玩,与民同乐,并将正月十五定为元宵节。司马迁创建《太初历》,将元宵节列为重大节日。隋、唐、宋以来,更是盛极一时。《隋书·音乐志》日:“每当正月,万国来朝,留至十五日于端门外建国门内,绵亘八里,列戏为戏场”,参加歌舞者足达数万,从昏达旦,至晦而罢。当随着社会和时代的变迁,元宵节的风俗习惯早已有了较大的变化,但至今仍是中国民间传统节日。过元宵节,有吃元宵和观灯的习俗。元宵以糯米粉为皮,内裹果料糖馅,圆形,是“团圆”的象征。元宵节观灯始于公元一世纪,沿至当代仍在各地盛行。每到元宵节之夜,许多城市举办灯会,展出各种彩灯,造型新奇,千姿百态;在农村,则举行文娱活动,如放焰火、踩高跷、耍龙灯、扭秧歌、荡秋千等。The 15th day of lunar New Year for Lantern Festival, say again or shang yuan festival, YuanYe, Lantern Festival. This is after the Spring Festival, the first full moon night. According to legend, Chinese emperor (former 179-157 years) before the 15th to celebrate ZhouBo in survey of flat chulu: of chaos, whenever that night, will play, and the palace people weep, and will be the fifteenth as the Lantern Festival. Sima qian create "the beginning calendar", will the Lantern Festival as major holiday. Sui and tang, song, but also ChengJiYiShi since. The book of music volunteers, sui, "every time, the month nisan, in the WanGuoLai toward, leave to 15 days in the outside door, spanning eight jianguo, column for play game play," the foot in song and dance, from tens of thousands of Spartan, to feed and dark." When along with society and the changes of The Times, the Lantern Festival customs, already had greater change, but is still the traditional Chinese folk festival. For the Lantern Festival, have yuanxiao and view lamp custom. Yuanxiao with glutinous rice powder for leather, wrapped in TangXian, rounded, s.s. "reunion" symbol. The Lantern Festival view lamp began in the 1st century AD, to the contemporary still in rage across. Every arrive the Lantern Festival nights, many cities hosting parade, display all kinds of lights, modelling novel, beautiful, In the countryside, hold recreational activities, such as firework, LongDeng caigaoqiao, play, river.this, swing, etc. 农历五月初五是端午节,本名“端午”。《太平御览》卷三十一引《风土记》有“仲夏端五,端,初也”之句。一般认为,它是为纪念中国古代诗人屈原而产生的。屈原(约公元前340-前278年)是战国时期楚国人,他因自己的政治理想无法实现,又无力挽救楚国的灭亡,当秦国灭楚后,五月初五抱石投汩罗江自沉;江边群众得知,便纷纷驾舟打捞屈原尸体。为纪念这位伟大的爱国诗人,后人把这天定为端午节。每逢此节,民间有带香袋、吃粽子、赛龙舟习俗。香袋表示屈原的品德节操如馨谥艺,万古流芳:粽子原是防止鱼把屈原的尸体吃了,后成为节日食品,划龙船则表示去营救屈原。The fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, specific "dragon-boat festival". The taiping revision "volume 31 lead the endemic to record" have "midsummer DuanWu, end, at the beginning of the sentence." Generally, it is a memorial to ancient Chinese poet qu yuan and of generation. Qu yuan (about 340 B.C. - 278 years) before the warring state period, chu on his political ideal unable torealize, unmanageable chu perish, when, after qin destroy chu fifth bouldering Gu LuoJiang cast ZiChen; In succession, he learned that the masses river boat sailed to salvage qu yuan bodies. In honour of the great patriotic poet, the posterity fixed for this Dragon Boat Festival. Whenever this section, folk have belt sachets, eating zongzi, dragon boat custom. Sachet of moral integrity said qu yuan Shi art, such as organizing resound through ages: zongzi original is to prevent fish to eat, qu yuan's body after becoming holiday foods, delimit dragon boat means to rescue qu yuan.农历八月十五为中秋节,又称“团圆节”。八月十五居秋季之中,故名“中秋”。中秋节最早源于古代帝王秋天祭月的礼制。魏、晋、唐、宋以来,逐渐演变成赏月的风俗。“中秋”一词,最早见于《周礼》一书,而真正形成全国性的节日是在唐代。据传这个中华民族重要节日的形成与“唐明皇梦游月宫”的故事有关。在古代,每逢中秋人们就用精制的糕饼祭奉月神;祭奉之后,全家人分吃,表示合家团圆欢聚。这种风俗,一直流传到今天。The lunar August 15 for the Mid-Autumn festival, say again "TuanYuanJie". In the autumn of August 15, is named "Mid-Autumn festival". Mid-Autumn festival comes after emperors autumn offering months of etiquette. The wei, jin, since the tang, song, gradually evolved into shangyue customs. "Mid-Autumn festival" one word, the earliest in kaogongji (the book, and the genuine form a national holiday is in the tang dynasty. Reportedly the Chinese nation important festivals of formation and "tang clear huang sleepwalking moon palace" story about. In ancient times, people use every Mid-Autumn refined confectionery offerings on god, Offering, the whole family points after eat, said family reunion together. This custom, has been passed down today.


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