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the walk的歌词是什么?

2023-12-10 16:28:28 编辑:join 浏览量:565

the walk的歌词是什么?

《The Walk(向前走)》 ——台湾八大电视台热播剧集《恶灵05》主题曲 词曲:陈科妤 演唱:陈科妤 I went inside. I was not myself. 我友雹梁走了进去 我身不由己 I was frozen inside an alien form. 我在这个世界之外 结成了冰 You stand aside. Your hand on my shoulder. 你站在旁边 手放在我肩上 But the smoke makes a veil between us. 但是烟雾聚成了一好运层幕 阻在你我之间 I walk the walk alone no matter whether people know at all. 我独自向前走 不管其他人知不知道 I walk the walk alone to keep my sanity. 我独自向前走 让自己保持清醒 You know the when I walk the walk alone. 你知道当我独自前行的时候 I go where no one else can go 会走到别人到不了的地方 I watch you cry for me; you see but I don`t see. 我看见你为我哭泣 但你明了的我不明了 Because you walk the walk alone. 因为你也在独自往前走 Thank you for loving me. 谢谢你一直爱着我 Drowning within. Go on, I`m listening. 沉溺其中 一路走来 我在收寻 Music to tear you to pieces. You close your eyes. 音乐让人心碎 你闭上眼睛 You cry as you`re playing. But I sense nothing. 你哭喊着努力 而我已麻木 So reason on this. 这就是原因 I Walk the walk alone no matter whether people know at all 我独自向前走 不管别人知不知道 I walk the walk alone to keep my sanity. 我独自向前走 让自己保持清醒 You know that when I walk the walk alone. 你知道肆腔当我独自前行的时候 I go where no one else can go. 会走到别人到不了的地方 I watch you cry for me; you see but I don`t see. 我看见你为我哭泣 但你明了的我不明了 Because you walk the walk alone. 因为你也在独自往前走 Thank you for loving me... 谢谢你一直爱着我……


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