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歌词 one for the money two for the show three to get ready这是猫王的哪首歌?

2023-03-09 20:22:29 编辑:join 浏览量:603

歌词 one for the money  two for the show three to get ready这是猫王的哪首歌?

Blue Suede Shoes - Elvis PresleyWell, it's one for the money,Two for the show,Three to get ready,Now go, cat, go.But don't you step on my blue suede shoes.You can do anything but lay off of my Blue suede shoes.Well, you can knock me down,Step in my face,Slander my nameAll over the place.Do anything that you want to do, but uh-uh,Honey, lay off of my shoesDon't you step on my Blue suede shoes.You can do anything but lay off of my blue suede shoes.You can burn my house,Steal my car,Drink my liquorFrom an old fruitjar.Do anything that you want to do, but uh-uh,Honey, lay off of my shoesDon't you step on my blue suede shoes.You can do anything but lay off of my blue suede shoes.


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