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non-cash er taxable items什么意思

2023-03-21 05:58:27 编辑:join 浏览量:635

non-cash er taxable items什么意思

non-cash er taxable items非裂亮现金二应税项目例句:1.Article 2 the taxable items and tax rates of business tax shall be determined in accordance with the attached to these regulations. 第二条营业税的税目、孝源伍税率,依照本条例所附的《营业税税目税率表》执行。2.Taxpayers who import taxable items shall calculate tax in accordance with regulations, following customs clearance. 从事进口应税产品的纳税人,应在产品报关进口后,按照规定计巧或算纳税。


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