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歌曲《nothing compares to you》中文歌词

2023-11-21 20:18:37 编辑:join 浏览量:596

歌曲《nothing compares to you》中文歌词

It's been seven hours and fifteen days已经激汪过去了十五天又七个尺宏小时Since you took your love away自从你带着你的爱离去I go out every night and sleep all day我开始白天睡觉,夜里外出Since you took your love away自从你带着你的爱离去Since you been gone I can do whatever Iwant自你走后,我终于可以为所欲为I can see whomever I choose我可以见到我想见的人I can eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant我可以到我做梦都想去的餐馆就餐But nothing但没有什么I said nothing can take away these blues没有什么能抹去心中的悲伤Cause nothing compares因为没有任何事物Nothing compares to you没有任何事物能与你相比It's been so lonely without you here失去你以后,一切都变得如此空虚Like a bird without a song如同鸟儿失去了歌声Nothing can stop these lonely tears fromfalling没有什么能阻止这些孤单的泪水落下Tell me baby where did I go wrong宝贝,告诉我,我到底哪儿出了毛病陵铅册I could put my arms around every boy I see我可以把手的搭在每个男孩的肩上But they'd only remind me of you但这只会让我一再的想起你I went to the doctor我去看医生guess what he told me,Guess whathe told me你猜他怎麼说?He said girl you better try to have fun Nomatter what you'll do他说:“你最好去找点乐子,不管你要玩什么”But he's a fool但他可真是个傻瓜Cause nothing compares因为没有任何事物Nothing compares to you没有任何事物能与你相比All the flowers that you planted, mama Inthe back yard妈妈,你种在后院的那些花儿All died when you went away在你离开后都枯死了I know that living with you baby wassometimes hard我知道和你生活,有时候是比较辛苦But I'm willing to give it another try但我真的愿意再试一次Nothing compares没有任何事物Nothing compares to you没有任何事物能与你相比Nothing compares 没有任何事物Nothing compares to you没有任何事物能与你相比Nothing compares没有任何事物Nothing compares to you没有任何事物能与你相比参考:http://baike.baidu.com/view/9947266.htm如满意,请采纳,谢谢~


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