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歌词 bird bird bird bird bird是什么歌

2023-12-29 03:18:26 编辑:join 浏览量:564

歌词 bird bird bird bird bird是什么歌

《Surfin' Bird》——【Trashmen】A-well-a everybody's heard about the birdB-b-b-bird bird bird b-bird's the wordA-well-a bird bird bird the bird is the wordA-well-a bird bird bird well the bird is the wordA-well-a bird bird bird b-bird's the wordA-well-a bird bird bird well the bird is the wordA-well-a bird bird b-bird's the wordA-well-a bird bird bird b-bird's the wordA-well-a bird bird bird well the bird is the wordA-well-a bird bird b-bird's the wordA-well-a don't you know about the bird Well everybody knows that the bird is the word A-well-a bird bird b-bird's the wordA-well-a A-well-a everybody's heard about the birdBird bird bird b-bird's the wordA-well-a bird bird bird b-bird's the wordA-well-a bird bird bird b-bird's the wordA-well-a bird bird b-bird's the wordA-well-a bird bird bird b-bird's the wordA-well-a bird bird bird b-bird's the wordA-well-a bird bird bird b-bird's the wordA-well-a bird bird bird b-bird's the wordA-well-a don't you know about the bird Well everybody's talking about the bird A-well-a bird bird b-bird's the wordA-well-a bird Surfin' birdBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb retching noises Aaah Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-ooma-mow-mowPapa-ooma-mow-mowPapa-ooma-mow-mow papa-ooma-mow-mowPapa-ooma-mow-mow papa-ooma-mow-mowOoma-mow-mow papa-ooma-mow-mowPapa-ooma-mow-mow papa-ooma-mow-mowPapa-ooma-mow-mow papa-ooma-mow-mowOom-oom-oom-oom-ooma-mow-mowPapa-ooma-mow-mow papa-oom-oom-oomOom-ooma-mow-mow papa-ooma-mow-mowOoma-mow-mow papa-ooma-mow-mowPapa-a-mow-mow papa-ooma-mow-mowPapa-ooma-mow-mow ooma-mow-mowPapa-ooma-mow-mow ooma-mow-mowPapa-oom-oom-oom-oom-ooma-mow-mowOom-oom-oom-oom-ooma-mow-mowOoma-mow-mow papa-ooma-mow-mowPapa-ooma-mow-mow ooma-mow-mowWell don't you know about the bird Well everybody knows that the bird is the word A-well-a bird bird b-bird's the word若君满意,请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢


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