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魔兽世界7.0的CG 瓦利安国王的对白是什么?

2023-12-31 14:28:56 编辑:join 浏览量:564

魔兽世界7.0的CG 瓦利安国王的对白是什么?

My son, a terrible darkness has returned to our world. As before, it seeks to annihilate everything that we hold dear. I go to face it, knowing that I may not return.“They’re coming! They’re coming back!”All my life I have lived by the sword. I’ve seen kingdoms burn, and watched brave heroes die in vain. It’s been difficult for me to trust after losing so much. But from you I have learned patience, tolerance and faith.“Open fire!”Anduin, I now believe as you do, that peace is the noblest aspiration. But to preserve it, you must be willing to fight! FOR AZEROTH!


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