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get away with是什么意思?

2023-04-18 03:58:47 编辑:join 浏览量:630

get away with是什么意思?

1.Get away with 与……一同离开迹敬2.Get away with you! 你给我滚!3.Get along[away]with you. 你给我走开。4.Oh, get away (with you)! 哦,去你的,我才不信呢!5.How did he get away with cheating? 他的欺骗是怎样得逞的?6.How did she get away with cheating? 她并咐是怎么作弊成功的?7.She can get away with anything. 她想干什么就干什么,没有人指责她。8.You'll never get away with it. 你总要受到惩罚的!9."姿蔽慎You can't get away with that!" "我饶不了你!"10.Get away (设法)离开,脱身


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