当前位置:淘百问>百科词库>be popular to 与be popular with 用法区别 是不是有时也通用

be popular to 与be popular with 用法区别 是不是有时也通用

2023-06-10 18:46:31 编辑:join 浏览量:551

be popular to 与be popular with 用法区别  是不是有时也通用

be popular with受……欢迎 更多人会用be popular with 例如:Loud music is more popular with young people than with old. be popular to意思和be popular with差不多,但是用法上有点区别 例如:If you want to impress your peers (friends) it is generally more popular to show them ,(to do this,to say,usage with the verb to be) your cool rDVD collection 更确切的讲 be popular to 是指相对于某些东西or人来讲 会更流行or出名 be popular with是指同某些东西or人来讲 一样流行or出名


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