We gain an insight into the history of the word husband by considering the Old English word h¿½nde,} meaning “the mistress of a house.” If h¿½nde} had survived into Modern English, husband, its modern form, would have been very ambiguous. The fact that h¿½nde} could mean “mistress of a house” helps us see the elements that make up the Old English ancestor of our word husband. H¿scorresponds to house. The element -b½e is the feminine form of -b½, the second element of Old English h¿½nda.} The entire Old English word is a borrowing of the Old Icelandic word h¿½ndi,} meaning “the master of a house.” The second element in h¿½ndi, b½ndi,} means “a man who has land and stock” and comes from the verb b¿, meaning “to live, dwell, have a household.” The master of the house was of course usually the spouse of a wife as well, and it would seem that our main current sense of husband arises from this overlap.
考察一下古英语中husbonde 这个词,我们就会对 husband 这个词的历史有一定了解, 意思是“房子的女主人”。假如husbonde 这个词能留存在现代英语中, 作为husbonde 的现代形式, 它的意思会变得很模糊。husbonde 的意思是“房子的女主人”, 这有助于我们找出那些构成古英语中我们今天的husband这个词的前身。 Hus对应 house 。 -bonde 是 -bonda 的阴性形式, 古英语中 husbonda 的第二个部分。 这个古英语中的词整体上借自冰岛语中的 husbondi , 意思是“房子的男主人”。 husbondi, bondi 第二部分的意思是“一个拥有土地和牲畜的男子”, 它来自动词 bua ,意思是“生活、居住、拥有一个家”。 一座房子的男主人当然通常也是妻子的配偶,看起来今天husband 这个词的中心意思源于这种重叠