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so what的歌词谁有,最好是中英问对照

2023-08-25 00:12:36 编辑:join 浏览量:588

so what的歌词谁有,最好是中英问对照

Pink- 【So What】

Na na na na na na

Na na na na na

Na na na na na na

Na na na na na

I guess I just lost my husband 我刚刚丢了老公

I don't know where he went 不知道他去了哪

So I'm gonna drink my money 我要喝酒卖醉

I'm not gonna pay his rent (nope) 他自己付房租

I've got a brand new attitude, 我有全新想法

And I'm gonna wear it tonight 今晚就要实施

I'm gonna get in trouble 我要惹点麻烦

I wanna start a fight 我就想要打架

Na na na na na

I wanna start a fight 我就想要打架

Na na na na na

I wanna start a fight 我就想要打架



So what I'm still a rock star 那又怎样 我仍是摇滚巨星

I got my rock moves 我行为摇滚

And I don't need you 我不需要你

And guess what 你猜怎么着

I'm havin more fun 我更加快乐

And now that were done 我们已经完了

I'm gona show you tonight 今晚我要展现给你看

I'm alright 我很好

I'm just fine 我没事

And you're a tool so 你就是我玩具

So what 那又怎么样

I am a rock star 我仍是摇滚巨星

I got my rock moves 我行为摇滚

And I don't want you tonight 今晚我不再想你

Unh Check my flow Uohhh 看看我人气

The waiter just took my table 服务员抢走我桌子

And gave it to Jessica Simps 把它给了JS

(Shit! )

I guess I'll go sit with drum boy 我想和舞男厮混

At least hell know how to hit 至少我能享受


What if this flops on the radio, 公众若知道了

Then somebodys gonna die! haha 某人就死翘翘

I'm going to get in trouble, 我要惹点麻烦

My ex will start a fight 我前夫想打架

Na na na na

He's gonna to start a fight 他就想要打架

Na na na na

We're all gonna

To get into a fight 我们准备打架

You weren't fair 你不公平

You never were 从不公平

You want it all but that's not fair 你想占有一切 太不公平

I gave you life 我把生活给了你

I gave my all 我把自己给了你

You weren't there, you let me fall 你从不在我身边 你让我撕心裂肺

No no

No no, I don't want you tonight 今晚我不再想你

You weren't there 你从不在我身边

I'm gona show you tonight 今晚我要展现给你看

I'm alright 我很好

I'm just fine 我没事

And you're a tool so 你就是我玩具

So what 那又怎么样

I am a rock star 我仍是摇滚巨星

I got my rock moves 我行为摇滚

And I don't want you tonight 今晚我不再想你

Ba da da da pffftt 去你的


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