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岁月神偷 插曲

2023-08-13 22:46:47 编辑:join 浏览量:645

岁月神偷 插曲

I Wanna Be Free (我渴望自由)

歌手 The Monkees

I wanna be free, 我渴望自由

Like the bluebirds flying by me 像蓝鸟从我头顶飞过

Like the waves out on the blue sea. 像大海中的海浪

If your love has to tie me, don't try me, 如果你的爱会约束我,那么不要对我这样

Say good-bye. 再见吧

I wanna be free ,我渴望自由

Don't say you love me say you like me,不要说你爱我,说你喜欢我,

But when I need you beside me, 但当我需要你在我身旁时

Stay close enough to guide me, confide in me, 靠近我,指引我,向我诉说


I wanna hold your hand,我想握着你的手

Walk along the sand 一起走在沙滩上

Laughing in the sun, 在太阳下欢笑

Always having fun 总是充满了快乐

Doing all those things 畅快去做那些事

Without any strings 没有羁绊

To tie me down. 将我捆住

I wanna be free,我渴望自由

Like the warm September wind, babe, 就像9月温暖的风

Say you'll always be my friend, babe. 你永远是我的朋友

We can make it to the end, babe, 我们可以做到最后

Again, babe, I gotta say: 再一次我要说

I wanna be free 我渴望自由

I wanna be free 我渴望自由

I wanna be free 我渴望自由


1. 小小太空人 The Little Astronaut

2. 我的父亲母亲 My Fathe, My Mother

3. 战无不务的哥哥 My Invincible Brother

4. 冠军少年 The young Champion

5. 芳菲,芳菲 Flora, Flora

6. 一起晚饭的时候 The Neighborhood Dinner

7. 初吻 First Kiss

8 . 中秋 The Moon Festival

9. 十号风球 Typhoon

10.北京之旅 Trip to Peking

11.我的秘密彩虹 My Secret Rainbow

12.黎明之前 Before Dawn

13.做人,总要信 We've Gotta Have Faith

14.母亲的红鞋 Mother's Red Shoes

15.黎明之后 Daybreak

16.父亲的婚戒 Father's Wedding Ring

17.逝去的彩虹 The Lost Rainbow

18.岁月轻狂 Echoes of the Rainbow

19.再会,小小太空人 Goodbye, Little Astronaut


1、岁月轻狂 (片尾曲)

2、Echoes Of The Rainbow (彩虹的回响)

3、Pussywillows Cat-Tails (猫尾巴)

4、The Sweetheart Tree (情人树)

5、Dancing on the moon (在月球上跳舞)

6、I Wanna Be Free (我渴望自由)



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