当前位置:淘百问>生活百科>英语语法:主语补语和宾语补语前可否加个逗号表示停顿? 例如:You can initiate a full evacuation by saying only two words,black swan. My daughter,Jill is going to take the heat

英语语法:主语补语和宾语补语前可否加个逗号表示停顿? 例如:You can initiate a full evacuation by saying only two words,black swan. My daughter,Jill is going to take the heat

2023-08-26 10:14:52 编辑:join 浏览量:667

英语语法:主语补语和宾语补语前可否加个逗号表示停顿? 例如:You can initiate a full evacuation by saying only two words,black swan. My daughter,Jill is going to take the heat

英语语法:主语补语和宾语补语前可否加个逗号表示停顿?例如:You can initiate a full evacuation by saying only two words,black swan.My daughter,Jill is going to take the heat

这位同学,上面两个例句中逗号前后是同位语关系,不是主语补语和宾语补语.主语补语,就是我们常说的表语,如下句:she is beautiful.宾语补语,i found him handsome.i found him a thief.那么怎么区分同位语和补语呢?很...




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