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business partner是什么意思

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business partner是什么意思

business partner商业伙伴;业务伙伴;业务合作伙伴例句1.Try not to let a business partner or important client get you down.不要让一个商业合作伙伴或重要的客户使你沮丧。2.One expat in Tokyo, who runs his own small business, decided to go to London last week with a business partner.一位驻东京外籍侨民开有自己的小公司,上周他决定和一个逗世商业伙伴一起去伦敦。3.The numbers shown in table 4 represent only a selection of the IBM Business Partner's live data.表4中展示的数字是IBM业务合作伙伴的实时数据。4.If you are an IBM Business Partner, you might also be able to access IBM software for specific uses.如果您旅指迹是IBM一个业务合作伙伴,您也可以出于特殊用途而获取IBM软件。5.Give information on the project management structure and of the tasks and role of proponent and each business partner in the project .介绍项目管理机构的拆并情况,以及项目中每个合作单位的任务和作用。


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