当前位置:淘百问>百科知识>求 后海大鲨鱼 月亮上的人儿啊 歌词

求 后海大鲨鱼 月亮上的人儿啊 歌词

2023-08-24 19:16:18 编辑:join 浏览量:577

求 后海大鲨鱼 月亮上的人儿啊 歌词

歌曲:Man On The Moon


专辑:《Queen Sea Big Shark》



maybe this time you are here

mayby this time i am there

mayby next time we will be wrong

we are all late

maybe this time

maybe next time

nobody knows

i wanna go down the line

i wanna go down the road

i wanna go down the line to find where in the world you are crying

i wanna go down the line to find you

maybe this time you are alone

maybe this time i am alone

maybe next time we all are wrong

we'll be late

i wanna go down the line

i wanna go down the road

i wanna go down the line to find where on the planet you are crying

i wanna go down the line to find you

i will see you again in another day

i will see you again in another town

i will see you again in another hotel room

i wanna go down the line

i wanna go down the road

i wanna go down the line to find where on the moon you are crying

i wanna go down the line to find you




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