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urban dictionary是什么意思

2023-11-01 19:43:35 编辑:join 浏览量:624

urban dictionary是什么意思

Urban Dictionary城市词典; 1 Case in point: two years ago, brown attempted to teach Watson the urban dictionary. 比如:两年前,布朗曾试着教Watson掌握“城市词典”(Urban Dictionary)网运正站上的词汇。 2 Update: “ Staycation ” is already in the Urban Dictionary! Since2006, no less! Crikey. 更新注释:“宅度假”这一词已在2006年被列入了城市字典里!绝对不夸张的哦。 3 But Watson couldn 't distinguish between polite language and profanity& which the urban dictionary is full of. 可是,Watson没旁袭悔法分清禅信文明用语和脏话&而这恰恰是充斥着城市词典的东西。


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