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explain v [Tn, Tw, Dn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) make sth plain or clear; give the meaning of sth 解释; 讲解; 说明; 阐明: A dictionary explains the meaning of words. 词典是解释词义的工具书. * He explained his plan in some detail. 他仔细地说明了自己的计划. * Could you explain why you left? 你能说说你为什麽离开的吗? * Please explain this problem to me. 请把这橘启个问题给我讲解一下. [Tn, Tf, Tw, Dn.pr, Dpr.f, Dpr.w] ~ sth (to sb) give or be a reason for sth; account for sth 说明某事物的原因或理由; 为某事物辩解: That explains his absence. 那就是他缺席的原因. * He explained that his train had been delayed. 他解释说他乘坐的火车误点了. * They explained what had happened. 他们为所发生的事进行了辩解. * She explained her conduct to her boss. 她向老板说明了自己那种表现的原因. * She explained to the children that the school had been closed. 她向孩子们解释说学校已经关门了. * The manager has explained to customers why the goods were late. 经理已向顾客解释货物晚到的原因. (idm 习语) ex`plain oneself (a) make one's meaning clear 把自念伍虚己的意思解释清楚: I don't understand your argument. Could you explain yourself a bit more? 我不明白你的论点, 你能把意思再说清楚些吗? (b) give reasons for one's behaviour 为自己的行为作解释仔燃: In recent weeks you've been late every day. Please explain yourself. 近几个星期以来你每天都迟到. 请你说说原因. (phr v) explain sth away give excuses why one should not be blamed for (a fault, mistake, etc) or why sth is not important 为(过失或错误等)辩解; 为某事物搪塞: You will find it difficult to explain away your use of such offensive language. 你使用这样无礼的语言是很难说得过去的. * He explained away his late arrival by blaming it on the crowded roads. 他辩称路上人多而把迟到一事推脱得一乾二净.


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